Saturday, 27 April 2013



Moses wrote the first five books of the BIBLE, called the Pentateuch, and it is generally accepted and is sustained by many BIBLE passages, at least by inference. They were written during the forty years of Israel’s wanderings, the first in order being Genesis.
The Book is appropriately named Genesis, signifying of beginnings. It opens with the fundamental truth that GOD is; it is monotheistic throughout; it sets forth the claim that all there is owes sits origin the creative fiat of the ONE GOD. It tells of the beginning of the world and numberless planetary bodies, of all life on the earth, of domestic relations, of institutions, of the moral order, of sin and it’s consequence, of the scheme of redemption, of nations of the choice of the family from when the Messianic nation should spring, and of the tribe from which the Messiah would be given to the world.
Purpose and Religious Character:
The records of Genesis comes from a religious point of view, the history of the ages from creation to Moses. It is not, however, a political history of ancient nations or of the evolutionary and scientific changes in the world or in the progress of the human race during those pre-historic times. It shows how, after man had fallen into sin, GOD began to give him a religion and to unfold to him HIS Divine purpose and plan of salvation. It is a progressive revelation of the plan of GOD for the redemption of the human race from sin- a progressive self-revelation of GOD which culminates in JESUS CHRIST.
A Divinely Inspired Book:
Moses wrote the book of Genesis, not from traditions, and legends borrowed from other ancient people, but by DIVINE inspiration. It’s inspiration and character as a Divine revelation are authenticated by the testimony of history by the witness of CHRIST (Matt 19:4-6 24:37-39, Mark 10:4-9, Luke 11:49-51 17:26-29,32, John 1:5, 7:21-23, 8:44,56)
General Importance:
Without Genesis the BIBLE would be incomplete; the germ of all truth unfolded in the whole scripture as found in Genesis. The origin and problem of sin and its effect on man’s condition on earth and in separating him from GOD, and the Divine Solution for these problems are all found in essence in this book. In a very significant sense, the roots of all subsequent revelation are planted deep in Genesis. It enters into the fundamental structure of the New Testament in which it is quoted more than sixty ties in seventeen books.
Genesis falls rather naturally into five chief divisions:
i) CREATION (1:1-2:25)
ii) (The Fall and Redemption 3:1-4:7)
iii) (History of the Two Distinct Lines of the Race, Cainite and Sethite, to the Flood 4:8-7:24)
iv) From the Flood to the Call of Abraham (8:1-11:9)
v) From Abraham to the death of Joseph (11:10-50:26)

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