Tuesday, 4 June 2013



This book is the continuation of the first book of Samuel, which accounts for the fact that it is called Samuel, though it does not relate to the priest and prophet by this name. The traditional view is that Samuel wrote the first 24 chapters of First Samuel, and the remaining part of that book and the records of the second book were written by the prophets Nathan and Gad.

This Book records the events of David’s reign and it marks the restoration of order and prosperity in Israel through the enthroning of GOD’S anointed King, chosen as God had ordained from the royal tribe of Judah. Saul who had failed and had been rejected by God was of the tribe of Benjamin. In the choice of David, GOD set up the royal family, through whom the MESSIAH should be given to the world (7:8-17) Acts (13:22-23). The book is a record of notable achievement s by the great King; of sins by both King and people; of GOD’S judgement; of repentance, forgiveness, and restorations; of triumphant faith and righteousness. Among the important events was the establishment of Israel’s political center in Jerusalem and her religious center in Zion (5:6-12)

Historically, the book may be divided into four chief sections;
1) From the death of Saul to the anointing of David as King of Judah (1:1-1:27)
2) From the setting up of David’s Reign in Hebron to his establishment as King over Israel (2:1-5:25)

3) From the establishment of the capitol at Jerusalem to the rebellion of Absalom to the purchase of the temple site (15:1-24:25)

Thursday, 9 May 2013



In the Hebrew Canon the two books of Samuel appear as one, commonly known as, “The First Book of Kings”. The name Samuel is ascribed to the fact that the personal history, ministrations as judge, prophet, and priest, and the work of Samuel in the transition period in which a king was set up are related in the early part of this book. Samuel was the last of judges and the associate of his predecessor Eli over a period of years.

The book records the failure of the priesthood under Eli and of the judges in Samuel’s attempt to make the office hereditary. In his prophecies, Samuel was both faithful and conspicuous, and this phase of his work took precedence over his priesthood; hence, he is the beginning of a long line of prophets in Israel who became the spokesmen of GOD. Notable in the respect was his establishment of the schools of the prophets. Most outstanding in the events of his career, however, was the founding of the monarchy under the reign of King Saul.

Prominent truths of the book cover the purpose of GOD in making Israel a theocratic nation, not to be altered even in the setting up of a monarchy; the sovereignty of GOD over Israel and other nations; and “righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people”

Historically the book is a continuation of Judges and Ruth:
1) Story of Samuel to the death of Eli (1:1-4:22)
2) From the death of Eli to demand for a King (5:1-8:22)
3) The reign of Saul to the anointing of young David (9:1-15:35)
4) From the call of David to the death of Saul (16:1-31:13)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013




This lovely story takes its name from the young Moabitish Widow, Ruth, who became the wife of Boaz, ancestors of David and of Jesus. Ruth gave up her religion and became a proselyte to the Hebrew Faith. As a result, she is honoured by being mentioned in the genealogy of her Saviour (Matt 1:5)

Historically, the book belongs within the early period of judges, and it fittingly describes the domestic and pastoral life of devout Israelites of that turbulent era.

In the characters of this narrative, Naomi, Boaz, and Ruth, the beauties of Christian virtue and faith are delineated; and the power of true religion overcoming the most adverse circumstances in life is demonstrated. As a consequence of trust in Israel’s GOD and adherence to the principles of righteousness, a heathen woman, without childhood training and true religious environment, became glorious in character and renowned in history.

Ruth is regarded as a type of the Gentile Church of Christ, and her experiences are compared to that of a Christian under the analysis:
1) Ruth Deciding
2) Ruth Serving
3) Ruth Resting
4) Ruth rewarded.

Friday, 3 May 2013


This second of the historical books of the Old Testament takes its name from the exploits of the thirteen men raised up by GOD to deliver Israel from the oppressions of alien peoples –oppressions brought upon them as punishment for their apostasies and idolatries. Through these men, GOD continued HIS personal government of the nation. The records of the Book, however, are fragmented without chronological order, and the work of some of these leaders may have been contemporaneous, at least in part.

Following the death of Joshua, Israel’s national life continued over a long period without being centrally organized, and the people were falling constantly into idolatry and suffering under the iron heel of heathen nations. The Book records seven apostasies, seven periods of servitude to seven nations, and seven deliverances. It also proves explanations and interpretations of these dealings of GOD with Israel and other signifigant events.

“The children of Israel again did evil in the eyes of the LORD”; and “The LORD sold them into the hands of the oppressor”. KEY VERSE is “Every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (17:6) whereas the KEY WORD is “confusion”

We are told in 1 Kings 6:1 that the tine from Exodus to the building of the Temple in the fourth year of Solomon was 480 years. On the other hand the period of 40 years in the wilderness, 40 years reign of Saul, 40 years for the reign of David, 24 years covering the life of Joshua after entering Canaan, and 4 years in Solomon’s reign. A total of 148 years. If 148 is subtracted from 480, we have 332 years as the period of Judges, including Samuel’s long term of service.

The book is divided into four sections:
1) The conquest to the Judges (1:1-3:6)
2) Judges and their work (3:7-16)
3) The idolatry of Micha (17-18)
4) The Crime of Gibeah (19-21)

Tuesday, 30 April 2013



The title of this fifth book of the Pentateuch written by Moses from a Greek term which signifies a second or repeated Law. The book contains the final word of Moses, delivered most probably during the last seven days of his life. This message of Moses was given to Israel in view of the impending entrance to their covenanted possession, a possession for which the nation had striven through forty years of wilderness wanderings. Although the Decalogue is repeated, and other distinct phases of the Mosaic legislation found in Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers are rearrested, these addresses of Moses consist of an application of the Law, with elucidations and additional instructions.
Although modern criticisms maintain that Deuteronomy is of later origin than the previous four books, the unity of the Pentateuch is generally admitted. The fact is that Moses was its author is distinctly declared (31:19) and the NEW TESTAMENT expressly states that it is the work of Moses (Matt 19:7-8, Mark 10:2-9, Act 3:22, 7:37). The style is more emotional and oratorical than the other four books, and its tone is more spiritual and ethical; but this does not argue against the Mosaic authorship. These facts are due to the circumstances, occasion and purpose of the utterances recorded. The account of the death of Moses, of course, was added by another hand, but this doesn’t discredit the Mosaic authorship of the balance of the material.
The crisis facing Israel in the occupation of idolatrous and corrupted Canaan was quite certainly the occasion of these addresses of Moses. Supreme emphasis upon the inflexible and exacting nature of GOD’S Law constituted the purpose. The key to the whole series of instruction is found in Chapter 28 to 30:9
Moses’ farewell message is usually divided on the basis of three addresses, but, topically, seven divisions are better
1) Summary of Israel’s history in the wilderness (1:1-3:29)
2) A restatement of the Law with exhortations and warnings (4:1-11:32)
3) Sundry Laws and instructions with warnings and predictions (12:1-27:26)
4) Significant prophecies summarizing the history of Israel to the Second Advent of CHRIST Embracing the notable covenant (28:1-30:20)
5) Farewell counsels to Priests, Levites, and Joshua (31)
6) The song of Moses and the pronouncements of blessings on the Twelve Tribes (32-33)
7) Death of Moses (34)

Sunday, 28 April 2013




 Fourth Book of Pentateuch, written by Moses, takes its name from the enumeration of Israel at Sinai and at Moab.

Historically, the book takes up the story of Israel’s journey from Egypt to the border of Canaan where they deflected at Kadesh Barnea and refused to enter the Land of Promise. It then continues with their wanderings in the wilderness for thirty-eight years under the judgement of GOD, until the entire nation twenty years of and older had died, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, and a new generation grew up and was developed. While the book is a history of more than thirty-eight years, comparatively little is recorded of those weary, disciplinary wanderings; the greater portion of the record deals with the happenings of the last year. It brings Israel to Kadesh-Barnea for the second time, thence to Moab east of the Jordan.

The central idea of the book is service; associated with this thought is that of walk, involved in journeying. The whole purpose of the enumerations is that of service in the wars ahead.

The key phrase “all that are able to go forth to war” appears fourteen times in the first chapters. In the incidents recorded, emphasis is placed upon the disciplinary judgement of GOD for Israel’s lack of faith and courage and for violations of HIS Laws. It was a period when Israel learned the lessons that were calculated to have a steadying influence upon the future of the nation. The Book is superlative in value in illustrations and types that refers to CHRIST and Christian experience, and is rich in Messianic material.

Numbers may be advantageously considered under five chief divisions:
i)                    Preparations for departure from Sinai (1:1-10:10)
ii)                   Journey from Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea  (10:11-19:22)
iii)                 The sojourn at Kadesh-Barnea (13:1-19:22)
iv)                 Wilderness Wanderings (20:1-33:49)
v)                  Closing Instructions  (33:50-36:13)

Saturday, 27 April 2013



The nature of this third Book of Pentateuch, written by Moses, is suggested by the name; it has to do with the Levites and the Priests. The Rabbis called it “The Law of Priests” and “The Law of Offerings”; it deals with the services of the sanctuary as administered by the Levites.
Leviticus is really a continuation of the Book of Exodus, containing the Sinitic legislation from the time of the completion of the Tabernacle; it elaborates and unfolds what had been writing in the preceding book. Based on the promise of redemption and its unfolding revelations found in Genesis, and on the Divine process of redemption given in the Book of Exodus, Leviticus gives the details for the accomplishment of these Spiritual attainments. Here, is expounded the place of sacrifice as an atonement for sin and GOD’S acceptance of a sacrifice, a type of the sacrifice of CHRIST instead of the death of the sinner.
The purpose of Leviticus is five-fold:
i)                    To show that GOD is HOLY, and man is sinful.
ii)                   To show how GOD maintains HIS Holiness and exposes the sinfulness of man
iii)                 To show how sinful man may have access to a HOLY GOD
iv)                 To provide a manual of Law
v)                  Worship for Israel; and to transform Israel into a Holy Nation.
The keyword in Leviticus is “Holiness”, which occurs 87 times in the book. In contrast with GOD’S Holiness and HIS required holiness of HIS people, words for sin and uncleanliness in various forms appear 194 ties, showing the need of atonement and cleansing. “Blood Offerings” as the basis for atonement and means of cleansing is referred to 89 times.
Two notable passages emphasize the CENTRAL TRUTH of this Book, namely:
“so that you can distinguish between the holy and the common, between the unclean and the clean. 10:10”
“Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy. 19:2”
In the main, Leviticus may be outlined by five divisions:
1)      The Law of Sacrifices (1:1-6:7)
2)      The Law of Priests (6:8-10:20)
3)      The Law of Purity (11-22)
4)      The Law of JEHOVAH’S Feasts (23)
5)      Special Laws, Instructions and Warnings (24-27)



This second book of the Penteuch, written by Moses is called Exodus. Signifying “going-out” or “departure” because it records the history of Israel’s departure from Egypt and the journey to the Promised Land. It marks a new epoch in GOD’S dealing with his chosen people, the descendants of Abraham. Up to this point, God had dealt with them, on this basis of the Abrahamic Covenant, as families and tribes, now He begins their nationalization under Mosaic Covenant, establishes a theocracy which He himself is ruler, and dwells among them.
The aim of this book is to give an account of the promises made to the Patriarchs with reference to the place and nationalization of Israel as the depository of revealed religion and as the nation through which a Messiah should be given to the world.
The Book of the Exodus tells the story of Israel’s redemption from Egyptian bondage and sets forth GOD’S plan of redemption. Accomplished only through the grace and power of GOD, by means of a deliverer and under the cover of blood. It lays the fundamental truth that redemption is essential to light relations with a holy GOD, and that even a redeemed people cannot maintain fellowship with GOD without constant cleansing from defilement. Since right relationship with GOD through HIS redemptive GRACE and appointed blood sacrifice must find expression in worship, fellowship, service, holy living and obedience to the Divine Will, the book includes the account of the giving of the law, the establishment of the priesthood, a system of sacrifice and Divinely appointed regulations for holiness in conduct. In the Law, GOD’S just demands upon His people were set forth; in actual experience the Israelites transgressed the Law and were convicted by the Law of their sins. In the Priesthood and sacrifice a way of forgiveness was provided for a guilty people. Thus, in essence, Exodus is prophetic of CHRIST.
A simple analysis divide Exodus into three chief divisions:
i) Israel in Egypt (1:1-12:36)
ii) Israelites journey to Sinai (12:37-18)
iii) Israel at Sinai (19-40)



Moses wrote the first five books of the BIBLE, called the Pentateuch, and it is generally accepted and is sustained by many BIBLE passages, at least by inference. They were written during the forty years of Israel’s wanderings, the first in order being Genesis.
The Book is appropriately named Genesis, signifying of beginnings. It opens with the fundamental truth that GOD is; it is monotheistic throughout; it sets forth the claim that all there is owes sits origin the creative fiat of the ONE GOD. It tells of the beginning of the world and numberless planetary bodies, of all life on the earth, of domestic relations, of institutions, of the moral order, of sin and it’s consequence, of the scheme of redemption, of nations of the choice of the family from when the Messianic nation should spring, and of the tribe from which the Messiah would be given to the world.
Purpose and Religious Character:
The records of Genesis comes from a religious point of view, the history of the ages from creation to Moses. It is not, however, a political history of ancient nations or of the evolutionary and scientific changes in the world or in the progress of the human race during those pre-historic times. It shows how, after man had fallen into sin, GOD began to give him a religion and to unfold to him HIS Divine purpose and plan of salvation. It is a progressive revelation of the plan of GOD for the redemption of the human race from sin- a progressive self-revelation of GOD which culminates in JESUS CHRIST.
A Divinely Inspired Book:
Moses wrote the book of Genesis, not from traditions, and legends borrowed from other ancient people, but by DIVINE inspiration. It’s inspiration and character as a Divine revelation are authenticated by the testimony of history by the witness of CHRIST (Matt 19:4-6 24:37-39, Mark 10:4-9, Luke 11:49-51 17:26-29,32, John 1:5, 7:21-23, 8:44,56)
General Importance:
Without Genesis the BIBLE would be incomplete; the germ of all truth unfolded in the whole scripture as found in Genesis. The origin and problem of sin and its effect on man’s condition on earth and in separating him from GOD, and the Divine Solution for these problems are all found in essence in this book. In a very significant sense, the roots of all subsequent revelation are planted deep in Genesis. It enters into the fundamental structure of the New Testament in which it is quoted more than sixty ties in seventeen books.
Genesis falls rather naturally into five chief divisions:
i) CREATION (1:1-2:25)
ii) (The Fall and Redemption 3:1-4:7)
iii) (History of the Two Distinct Lines of the Race, Cainite and Sethite, to the Flood 4:8-7:24)
iv) From the Flood to the Call of Abraham (8:1-11:9)
v) From Abraham to the death of Joseph (11:10-50:26)



How Inspired? What do we mean when we say that the BIBLE is an “INSPIRED BOOK?” Without going into any philosophical definition of the word “inspired” it will be enough for our purpose to say that by “inspired” we mean that the prophets and apostles, in that they said and wrote, were guided by the HOLY SPIRIT in a manner higher than that of any men of their times. Rightly to understand and appreciate this we must be sure to bear in mind that these men, all of them, wrote in times when in all the world there was idolatry and polytheism everywhere.
Before the birth of Christ, when Old Testament prophets spoke and wrote, all the world with the exception of the Jews was polytheistic. Men worshipped beasts, and creeping things, sun, moon and stars, When JESUS was born, and all through the times of the apostles, Greeks and Romans worshipped Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mars and a host of false divinities. When under these circumstances we find one set of men uniformly preaching the truth of ONE GOD and HE a SPIRIT. We are forced to the conclusion that they did not invent or discover this truth unaided by the DIVINE SPIRIT. An influence higher than anything human must have pervaded their thought and governed their speech and writings.

Heathen Writings: The moment we compare what they said and wrote with the so called sacred writings of all other nations we see how immeasurably superior their utterances were. Take the Koran, the book of the Mohammadan world, of the Vedas, the book of the Hindu religion, or the writing of Confucius, in whom the Chinese believe, or Zend Avesta, the book of the sun worshippers of Persia and so on, and compare any of them with the BIBLE, and you will need no other argument to force you to believe that the BIBLE writers were moved by a power far above themselves, and they received revelations from GOD to the true nature of GOD and of the way of Salvation.

Prophetic Types: That men had direct revelation from GOD is beyond question. The wonderful miracles of the Old Testament are evidence of that fact. The elaborate ritual and ceremonies of the tabernacle service were not the production of a people just out of slavery, nor of Moses, their leader who was brought up in the courts of Egypt. Nor does Moses take credit of it, but declares it was after the pattern shown him on the Mount. Every part of it was a type of pointing to a Kingdom that had its beginning 1500 years later in the Cross of Calvary. Even the tearing from top to bottom of the great veil before the HOLY of Holies on the day od Crucifixion, was a type which betoken the fact that from that time every man had access to the FATHER through CHRIST as the High Priest of GOD.

Three Arguments: To put the matter more correctly, we believe that the BIBLE is inspired for three reasons:
Because it reveals more truth about GOD and the duty of man than any other book and here let us pause to say that a book like Bunyan’s Pilgrims Progress speaks much about both of these truths. But bear in mind that Bunyan got his truth from the Bible. This is true of all books that draw their truth from this sacred volume. Look at the patriarch Abraham. Remember he was brought up as an idolater. Then look at the story, and see how he was led into the worship of One True and only GOD. How could this have come to pass unless there had been some Divine revelation to him? Take the grand utterance by Moses when he proclaimed “Hear, O Israel the LORD our GOD is one LORD, and thou shalt love the LORD thy GOD with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might, and then thou shalt love neighbours as thyself”.
At the same time this was uttered all the world was sunk in idolatry and from whom could Moses have received this majestic truth if not from GOD direct? The gods of all nations at that time were for the most part represented as immortal and licentious. Yet Moses proclaim, “Ye shall be Holy, For I the LORD your GOD am HOLY”. Such lofty and perfect morality as this, was to be found nowhere in the world at that time. It corresponds with what our blessed LORD said when He commanded men to be perfect even as their FATHER in Heaven is perfect .Such utterances were not only not common in those days among the men of other religions, but they are not to be found among them at all. In the midst of Roman idolatry and polytheism we find our LORD saying, “GOD IS A SPIRIT”, and they who worship HIM must worship Him in SPIRIT and in truth. Such a saying calls for more than mere human intelligence. It is nothing less than a DIVINE revelation.
The same is true with regard to what the BIBLE has to say about the duty of man. Here we find truth of the very loftiest kind, and in addition to this we find the way of salvation so clearly, marked out that no one need fail of reaching it, if he so desires. John 3:16 is of itself a proof of the inspiration of this Book. For here we find the Gospel of Salvation put in one sentence, the most precious sentence in the whole world, “FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON SO THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE”.
Because of the fulfilment of prophecy uttered hundreds of years before. The first promise of the BIBLE for the future was the promise of a deliverer from sin (Genesis 3:15). The prophecy runs like a golden thread down through the Old Testament times.
Jacob in his last words, said of Judah,
David Isaiah and many of the other prophets told before of the coming of the JUST ONE and almost all of these prophecies are referred to by New Testament writers as having had their fulfilment in JESUS of Nazareth. The captivity of Israel and Judah and the destruction of Jerusalem, as well as the deliverance of the Jew’s exile, was the burden of the prophecies many of the later prophets, years before these events took place. JESUS HIMSELF foretold the later destruction of Jerusalem and Temple forty years before it occurred.
Then, too we see everyday results, conditions and experiences which are the direct fulfilment of prophetic teaching of GODS Word, many of teachings from mere human standpoint would seem paradoxical and absurd.
Because of the influence that it has had in the uplifting and purifying of human society. Think for a moment. IS there any locality fifty miles square on the face of the earth, where the BIBLE has not come where you would like to live and bring up a family of children? We all are worshippers of one GOD. But all our ancestors were idolaters. How did the change come about that has made us worshippers of one GOD? Simply because the BIBLE came to our forefathers and by HOLY SPIRIT’s power changed them. Take out from us all that has come to us from BIBLE and best part of our civilization would disappear at once.
The fact is that the best of all that we hold dear, and that makes us what we are, has come to us from this Book. If this does not prove that it is a book of DIVINE origin, I do not know what would prove it. Look again at heathen lands. What is it that has changed many of the indigenous islands into places of peace and prosperity? Is it not this Book? Did any other book produce such results? What is it that has transferred Uganda in the centre of Africa into Christian Communities where the people gather by thousands in their own churches?
What lifted Korea from Idolatry into the worship of one GOD, so that the people are fast becoming Christians? Is it not this Book? Did ever any people in the whole of History accept the teachings of this book without being uplifted by it and spiritually transformed? And is it not true that the more perfectly we obey the teachings of this Book the Holier and more CHRIST like our lives become? The fact is that if you could discover a city anywhere in the world where everyone regulated his life perfectly by this Book there you would find the perfect community.
Between that city and Heaven the only difference would be one of place. Both would be animated by the same spirit. Thus we have briefly stated three reasons why we believe this Book is INSPIRED. If you want proof of its inspiration, just try and regulate your own life that is truly none other than the very word of GOD to your own soul.



A Book of Books. Thousands of years ago it was said “of making many books, there is no end”. If it was true then, how much more true is it in these days, when the printing press is pouring forth a ceaseless stream of books. Yet among all the books ever written, the Bible is by far the most precious. The world is full of books of every kind and character, written by men of every land and profession, yet none of them can for one moment compare with this one Book. It records history the oldest in the world: preaching back to the creation of all things. Many recorded events,, once discredited by Bible Critics as not only improbably, but impossible have been proven as authentic by the discovery, in recent years, of records and tablets buried for thousands of years in the ruins of cities and palaces of Kings, who lived at the same time as events recorded in Bible history. Many of its prophecies uttered thousands of years before have had their fulfilment in a wonderful manner, and others point still to the future. No other Book presents so lofty a conception of the relation of the Creator to the human family as does the Bible: God walking, talking with, and through His Son, dying for men. Nor can any book compare with it on its influence on and uplift of mankind.
Author: We speak of the Bible as one Book. In reality, however, it is a library, a set of sixty six books, smaller and larger, that have been bound in one volume. They have various authors numbering about thirty six in all. The oldest of these is Moses, the Hebrew Prophet and law giver, who wrote about 1500 years before Christ. So the Bible was about 1600 years in preparation.
Country: Furthermore, it is worth noting that every one of the writers of the Bible, with the exception of St Luke was a Jew. The “Beloved Physician” alone, was a Gentile. From this we see how great a debt the whole world owes to the Jewish Nation. For it’s wonderful contribution to the religious literature of the world.
Literature: All the literature of Greece, the most cultured of the peoples of the old world, cannot match this one book in respect to poetry, philosophy, history or narrative. If you want vivid narrative, such as takes hold of the heart, where can you find anything superior to the story of Joseph, or that of Ruth and Naomi? What story of friendship like that of David and Jonathan, or what portrayal of a Father’s grief over a wayward son more touching than that of David when he hears the tidings of the death of Absalom. Where can the level of poetry find sweeter strains than that of the 23rdPsalm, or of the 103rd Psalm? What writers have ever soared to such heights of poetic grandeur as has Isaiah, or the writer of the book of Job. Testimony abounds of every hand, to the matchless genius of Hebrew poetry and the lofty conception that these writers enjoyed of things human and Divine.
Teachings: And what shall we say when we come to the matter of the religious teachings that are contained in this book: Search in all the religious writings of the heathen world for anything that can be compared to the Ten Commandments. In all the world they have become the foundation of good law and government. No other code of morals in the world sets so lofty a standard, whose observance so enhances the common good of mankind. Jesus said, the sum of the Ten Commandments is “To Love the Lord with all thy heart and thy neighbour as thyself”. The historical writings of the Bible reveal God as a God of Mercy, unending in His efforts to reclaim a lost world and lift man out of sin; punishing and pardoning as men reject His Counsel or repent of their wrong. Even Jonah, when reproaching God for not fulfilling His prophecy against Nineveh, said “I know that thou art a Gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness and repentest thee of the evil”. So, to, His Love and mercy are revealed in the number of prophets He sent to Israel in the days of their decline, seeking to turn them from their folly and sin. Yet still more lofty in its conception of the Divine Truth than the Ten Commandments is the Sermon on the Mount of our Blessed Lord. Here we have the law laid down as it applies not to the outward life only, but as it appeals to the human heart and conscience. But His Love is best revealed in the Gift of His Son. In the Cross of Christ we find His plan for the redemption of a sin cursed world. The Bible teaches there is no other way than this given under Heaven among men whereby we must be saved. From whatever point of view we regard this Book, we can say of it as David once said of Goliaths sword, “There is none like it. Give it to me”.
Opposition:  Now through all that we have said (and much more) is true of the Bible, it is strange that this Book has been more attacked than any other book that has ever seen the light. More than one hundred years ago the infidel Voltaire said “In fifty years or so the Bible will not be read any longer”. Voltaire has been dead much more than a century, yet for one who reads a word of what he wrote there are millions who still read the Sacred Word. In the dark ages, deluded men burned the Book in public, and they do still in some of the darker and more ignorant lands. And yet the greatest Book lives on in undisturbed majesty, and influences men for all that is highest and best and noblest.
Original Languages: Originally the Bible was written in three languages, the Hebrew and Chaldee for the Old Testament, and the Greek for the New Testament. Of course the work had to be accomplished with pen and ink. In those days, therefore the Book was most expensive and only those who were wealthy could own a copy of the Sacred Writings. With the advent of the printing press, and the use of steam, it became possible to multiply copies so cheaply that even the poorest can now procure copies of the Bible.
Translation: So wonderful has the influence of this Book proven itself that many years ago men began to translate it into other languages other than that of the original manuscripts. This continued until today the Scriptures have been translated and published in nearly eleven hundred languages. In 185 or more of these the whole Bible has been included; in about 241, the New Testament only; and in the remaining languages, a substantial part of the Scriptures has been translated. Many of these languages had to be carefully studied and systemized and an alphabet created so the indigenous people for whom the work was done might be able to read the Word in their own tongue. Many tribes in Africa had no alphabet before missionaries came to them, and for these an alphabet had to be prepared, and the indigenous people taught to read in their own language. New languages have been added to the list at the rate of about ten a year.
Circulation: When we come to know the matter of the circulation of the Bible the figures are so vast as to be confusing. In the hundred years from 1611 to 1711 the number of editions of both Old and New Testament was 526. Then Lenox Library in New York City contains copies of over 8000 different Bibles. At this writings there are issued more than one thousand editions of the Bible each year more than double the number issued in the 16th century. The annual issue of Bibles by the British and Foreign Bible Society for a recent decade or ten year period has averaged over 8000000 volumes annually. The American Bible society has published since its organisation in 1816 over 367000000 copies. No other Book can for a moment compare with this. And the wonder of it is that as the years multiply these figures increase more and more.
Students: Finally no others one Book is as studied as is the Bible. Each Sunday in the world about 30000000 of teachers and scholars pore over this Book. In every land and in every tongue they come to see what God the Lord has to say to them, as show in its pages. To no other Book do so many turn, from week to week for their counsel, guidance comfort and warning. The more we know of its wonderful teachings the more we do admire them. Of most books we soon weary. Who would think of reading a novel ten times? Yet there are those who have been poring over the pages of this Book for ten or twenty or thirty years, who will say that they have not exhausted its treasures or grown weary of its presentations of truth Divine and sublime. In view of all this we may well repeat what Sir Walter Scott is reported to have said in his last illness. He asked to have the Book read to him, and when asked “What Book” he replied “There is but one Book”.
So of all books in the world we can say with the same significance, “There is but one Book”.